The rest are different monsters which might be encountered within the game. To the right, the bad guys including dark versions of Dexter, Samurai Jack and Ben. Also in the mix, if you look closely, are “Nano” versions of Samurai Jack, Dexter and FourArms ( Ben 10), which in the game are pixie like entities collected which players could use for special attacks. The four other folks represent the fore mentioned avatars. To the left, FusionFall versions of Ben ( Ben 10: Alien Force), Dexter ( Dexter’s Laboratory), Numbuh Five ( Kids Next Door) and Samurai Jack. Working with Matt, we built on the idea that it’s good guys versus bad guys and not at all addressing that players create avatars and aren’t playing as or controlling CN characters. “comp”) with characters available to us - characters which were built built in 3-D for on-air commercial ads as opposed to the simpler characters created for the actual game. In typical process, I devised this piece of conceptual composition (a.k.a. This was a rare print ad buy (literally a bought advertisement) for the game.